Currently in Mormonism, there is a growing opposition to the LDS church’s teachings that Joseph practiced polygamy. This movement is led by some outspoken people and does make some good points. We shouldn’t automatically accept any narrative. Especially if many…
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In the LDS church we are told that the leaders can’t lead us astray and that the church will never fail because it is Christ’s church. Every decision that is made by the leaders is direct revelation from God because…
In Mormonism, Joseph Smith introduced many new and unique ideas that made Mormonism distinctive from the rest of Christianity. However, almost all of these concepts were first introduced by a prolific Swedish writer, and prophet, by the name of Emanuel…
An Address to All Believers in Christ – 1887 edition In 1887, David Whitmer, who was a first-hand witness to the events in the early church, published a book detailing 12 critical ways that the Utah based church had fallen…
In the Mormon church we view the Doctrine & Covenants as an example of modern scripture. It was a sign that God was still speaking to his people and giving them further light and truth. It was a vindication that…
In the Mormon church, we often discuss the words of God to Joseph Smith which are found in the Doctrine and Covenants. However, these immutable words of God have in fact been changed numerous times. Quite often in ways that…
One source of pride in the Mormon church is that we are led by apostles and have the same structure as the early church that Christ himself established on the earth. In the minds of most members, the LDS church…
Recently Rebekah Griffin released a YouTube video attempting to expose the LDS leadership. The video is pretty slick, and it’s definitely well done, and worth a watch. However, it is factually incorrect about almost everything and incredibly misleading. I have…
In Mormonism, whenever we think of false prophets we tend to think of the charismatic liar or the evil leader in a strange cult. However, we rarely think of the many people around us constantly giving us messages from God…
A few years ago, Denver Snuffer delivered what are now referred to as the 10 talks. In each of these talks Denver focuses on a specific aspect of the restoration, in an attempt to clarify it. Several people have recommended…