Author: Patrick

Willing to be Wrong

Forest Path, Willing to be wrong

Often times we spend a huge amount of time and effort building a religious ideology or identity. We can research a number of options and then choose what we feel is best for ourselves and our families. An individual’s sincere…

Temple Ordinances in 1889

Endowment house

The LDS temple ordinances were first written down in 1877. Prior to this the ceremonies were always changed according to the individuals involved. However even after that point the wording of various things was left up to the officiator. We…

Where Is Jesus?

Lost forest

Quite often we seek peace through coercion, control, and more oppressive government programs. These things seek to establish the divine laws of heaven on earth by utilizing the broken laws of man. This will never work and can never work. Divine peace can only be established by living the divine laws of God. This can only be done by people that are willing to perfect themselves until they are living according to Christ and his way. Christ tells us that living according to his laws is the only way to have true peace in this life.

I Had a Dream

Dream clouds

I almost never have dreams. When I sleep it is quite literally like I lay down, close my eyes, and then open then again in the morning. I sleep soundly and very rarely have issues going to sleep. I have…