The first talk of the second Saturday session of General Conference was given by Elder Bednar. In this talk Elder Bednar says something that is very revealing and perfectly illustrates the thoughts and beliefs of the church’s top leadership. Footnotes…
Category: Mormonism
The last talk of the Saturday morning session of General Conference was given by President Henry B. Eyring. I have always liked President Eyring and generally like his talks. However, that of course doesn’t mean that what he says is…
This last Sunday, April 14th, 2024, we had Stake Conference in my Stake, which is the Sandpoint Idaho Stake. I specifically moved here because I wanted to get away from the heavy-handed authoritarian control, however it looks like it has…
Recently there has been an increased focus on the LDS temple garment and the need to wear it in a more consistent manner. I already thought this was clear since there previously were questions you had to answer during the…
During the Saturday morning session of General Conference, Sister J. Anette Dennis gave a talk that I think would be beneficial to look at a little bit closer. In Mormonism, this talk is pretty standard, however it does rely on…
In Mormonism there is nothing quite as persistent as polygamy. It seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. I do understand people’s needs and desires to sort this issue out. However, life is rarely as black and white…
In the LDS church, marriage is the highest ordinance that you can receive in this life. It is required to fully become like God and is intertwined all throughout Mormon theology. A husband and wife are sealed together for all…
Recently I listened to a debate concerning abuse in the LDS church. It turned out to not be a debate, instead both sides just stated their talking points. However, it did get me thinking about whether there is abuse in…
Online I have seen many people talking about this or that thing the LDS church is doing. All these things are helpful and certainly informative. However, these individuals or groups seem to never quite reach the logical conclusion for whatever…
As a member of the LDS church, I never once questioned Elijah’s visit to the Kirtland temple. I had no need, and it was always described as a matter of fact. However, when I started to really critically examine things…