In Feb 2023 the LDS church announced a new round of temple ordinance changes. There was a lot of excitement surrounding this which is to be expected. I did however communicate with several people and ask them why it needed…
Category: Mormonism
In order to gain access to any LDS temple all members must get what is called a temple recommend. This is a recommend from your leaders that you are living a “good” life and should enter the temple. As a…
Quite often we seek peace through coercion, control, and more oppressive government programs. These things seek to establish the divine laws of heaven on earth by utilizing the broken laws of man. This will never work and can never work. Divine peace can only be established by living the divine laws of God. This can only be done by people that are willing to perfect themselves until they are living according to Christ and his way. Christ tells us that living according to his laws is the only way to have true peace in this life.
I almost never have dreams. When I sleep it is quite literally like I lay down, close my eyes, and then open then again in the morning. I sleep soundly and very rarely have issues going to sleep. I have…
For a very long time whenever I thought of idols or idolatry, I always thought of worshiping the golden calf like the Israelites did. This of course is a form of idolatry however it is only one of many forms…
Today common consent in the church is equated with “sustaining your leaders” however it certainly wasn’t always the case. A few weeks ago, my ward held their semi-annual ward conference. In this meeting the stake leadership gives talks and prepares…
Growing up in the LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) church I became very familiar with the concept of prophets. They were people who literally talked with God face to face and then in turn gave God’s words…
Apostasy In Dec 2021 I was disfellowshipped from the LDS church for the crime of apostasy. On the website for the LDS church the current definition of apostasy is: “When individuals or groups of people turn away from the principles…