The Book of Mormon describes a man named Nehor who is hardly mentioned in the text at all, however the style of his teachings had a profound and lasting effect on the people. Very commonly when reading this story, we…
The Nauvoo Expositor is seen in Mormonism as a viscous pack of lies and the reason that Joseph was killed. There was nothing good and redeeming from it and it was just created by a bunch of disgruntled excommunicated members…
In Mormonism it is almost impossible to discuss Joseph Smith without an emotional reaction. This is because in most cases Joseph is equated with the restoration and put in an unnatural and untenable position regardless of our view on individual…
Denver Snuffer is a polarizing figure in Mormonism. Many view him as a prophet and many others view him as a false prophet. However, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. As with all things there is some…
In Mormonism, we go to great lengths to defends our beliefs. We will often twist the scriptures or the words of leaders to support whatever the current in vogue belief is. This of course is not how God’s people should…
For many years now, Mormonism has been led by leaders who almost exclusively come from a management or professional background. This is of course not inherently a problem, however it certainly is not the way that God has worked since…
In Mormonism, the tower of Babel is taught as an almost fictional story that was so long ago that even if it was true then it doesn’t really matter today. It is seen as nothing more than a good explanation…
In Mormonism the concept of a divine council is not completely foreign. However, it is also something that we never really discuss either. Scripturally though, it is clear that the Mormon understanding of God’s Divine Council is completely different from…
Eternal marriage is a doctrine that is intertwined all throughout Mormonism. It is honestly even hard to talk about Mormonism, or the Temple, without a discussion about eternal marriage. However, as pleasant as the concept sounds, it seems to not…
In Mormonism, tithing is seen as a mark of a true believer. It is a sign that the individual firmly believes in the church and is willing to sacrifice their personal gain for that belief. Throughout the history of Mormonism,…