In Mormonism, Joseph Smith introduced many new and unique ideas that made Mormonism distinctive from the rest of Christianity. However, almost all of these concepts were first introduced by a prolific Swedish writer, and prophet, by the name of Emanuel…
Tag: Joseph Smith
In the Mormon church we view the Doctrine & Covenants as an example of modern scripture. It was a sign that God was still speaking to his people and giving them further light and truth. It was a vindication that…
In the Mormon church, we often discuss the words of God to Joseph Smith which are found in the Doctrine and Covenants. However, these immutable words of God have in fact been changed numerous times. Quite often in ways that…
A few years ago, Denver Snuffer delivered what are now referred to as the 10 talks. In each of these talks Denver focuses on a specific aspect of the restoration, in an attempt to clarify it. Several people have recommended…
It seems that a belief in Joseph Smith, as a prophet, almost always manifests itself as a belief that whatever Joseph said or did was of God. We can see this today by people using quotes or actions from Joseph…
For most of my life, I saw the Book of Abraham as an additional witness of Joseph’s prophetic call. I never questioned it and never objectively looked at it. I simply accepted it because everyone else did. However, after studying…
In Mormonism today, the First Vision is described as the single most important event in modern times. It signaled a change in God’s dealings with his children and an ushering in of a new age of religious teachings. The interesting…
On May 23rd, 1844, Joseph Smith was indicted for the crimes of adultery and fornication. Two weeks later he would destroy the Nauvoo Expositor. Two weeks after that he would be dead. The last month of Joseph’s life was filled…
In Mormonism, Zion is seen as a mostly nebulous concept that can mean completely different things based on the discussion. However, originally in early Mormonism, Zion was a very specific place and had a very specific purpose. This definition was…
In Mormonism it is almost impossible to discuss Joseph Smith without an emotional reaction. This is because in most cases Joseph is equated with the restoration and put in an unnatural and untenable position regardless of our view on individual…